Saturday, February 28, 2015

March 1st, 2015, 2nd Sunday in Lent

Here are the songs for the second Sunday of Lent.  As usual we will practise before the 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday - starting at 10 a.m.  Please be at the church a few minutes ahead of time to get yourself set up.

Entrance:  CBW #576 You Are The Voice

Kyrie:  Matt Maher's
Gloria:  No Gloria during Lent

Psalm:  Psalm 115(116) - Oh I Will Walk In The Presence - link here

Gospel Acclamation: Bill's Lenten Acclamation

From the bright cloud the Father's voice is heard:
This is my Son, the Beloved, listen to him.

Preparation of the Gifts:  CBW #368 O Cross of Christ
(CBW III only has the words, words with music - link here.)

Holy Holy:  Bill's
Memorial Acclamation:  Bill's
Amen:  Bill's
Lamb of God:  Bill's

Communion:    CBW #373 Tree of Life
Be Unto Your Name (CCLI Song # 2177476, by Gary Sadler and Lynn DeShazo)

Recessional: #437 Crown Him With Many Crowns

Saturday, February 21, 2015

February 22nd, 2015, 1st Sunday In Lent

Here are the songs for the first Sunday of Lent.  As usual we will practise before the 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday - starting at 10 a.m.  Please be at the church a few minutes ahead of time to get yourself setup.

Entrance:  CBW #367 Lord Who Throughout These 40 Days

Kyrie:  Matt Maher's
Gloria:  No Gloria during Lent

Psalm:  Psalm 24(25) - Your Ways, Your Covenant by Jill Schultz - link here

Gospel Acclamation: Bill's Lenten Acclamation

Man does not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

Preparation of the Gifts:  CBW #353 Take Up Your Cross

Holy Holy:  Bill's
Memorial Acclamation:  Bill's
Amen:  Bill's
Lamb of God:  Bill's

Communion:    CBW #610 Taste and See

Recessional: No recessional hymn this Sunday.  This may change depending on Fr. Terry's preference.