Wednesday, October 29, 2014

November 2, 2014, All Souls, 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

We'll be singing on Sunday, November 2, meeting for practise at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 30, and at the usual time (~9:45 a.m.)  before Mass.

Here are the songs for All Souls Day, the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time:
November 2, 2014, All Souls, 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance:  CBW # 644 O God Our Help In Ages Past

Kyrie:  Matt Maher's
Gloria:  Bill's Gloria

Psalm:  Psalm 102(103) (view here (the original) or published quality here)

Gospel Acclamation:

If we have died with Christ,
we will also live with him;
and if we endure,
we will also reign with him.

Preparation of the Gifts:  CBW #403 Now The Green Blade Rises

Holy Holy:  Bill's
Memorial Acclamation:  Bill's
Amen:  Bill's
Lamb of God:  Bill's

Communion:   Remembrance (Matt Maher | Matt Redman - CCLI Song # 5484616)
#629 CBW Lord Make Us Servants of Your Peace

Recessional: #576 CBW You Are The Voice

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 5, 2014 - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We'll be singing on Sunday, October 5, meeting at the usual time (~9:45 a.m.) for practice before Mass.

Here are the songs for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time:

Entrance:  CBW # 497 Lord of All Hopefulness

Kyrie:  Matt Maher's
Gloria:  Bill's Gloria

Psalm:  Psalm 79(80) (view here)

Gospel Acclamation:

I have chosen you from the world,
says the Lord,
to go and bear fruit that will last.

Preparation of the Gifts:  G&P #40 Peace Prayer

Holy Holy:  Bill's
Memorial Acclamation:  Bill's
Amen:  Bill's
Lamb of God:  Bill's

Communion:   G&P # 12 Dwelling Place
Matt Maher's Kyrie - only the 3 verses

Recessional: As It Is In Heaven (CCLI Song # 4669748, Ed Cash & Matt Maher)